Fat what does it do
Most vegetable oils that are liquid at room temperature have unsaturated fats. There are two kinds of unsaturated fats:. Trans fatty acids are unhealthy fats that form when vegetable oil goes through a process called hydrogenation.
This leads the fat to harden and become solid at room temperature. Hydrogenated fats, or "trans fats," are often used to keep some foods fresh for a long time. Trans fats are also used for cooking in some restaurants. They can raise LDL cholesterol levels in your blood.
They can also lower your HDL good cholesterol levels. Trans fats are known to have harmful health effects. Experts are working to limit the amount of trans fats used in packaged foods and restaurants.
You should avoid foods made with hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils such as hard butter and margarine. They contain high levels of trans-fatty acids. It is important to read nutrition labels on foods. This will help you know what kinds of fats, and how much, your food contains. Talk with your health care provider about how to cut down on the amount of fat you eat.
Your provider can refer you to a dietitian who can help you learn more about foods and help you plan a healthy diet. Make sure you have your cholesterol levels checked according to a schedule your provider gives you. Cholesterol - dietary fats; Hyperlipidemia - dietary fats; CAD - dietary fats; Coronary artery disease - dietary fats; Heart disease - dietary fats; Prevention - dietary fats; Cardiovascular disease - dietary fats; Peripheral artery disease - dietary fats; Stroke - dietary fats; Atherosclerosis - dietary fats.
Obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; chap J Am Coll Cardiol. Saturated fats are also in palm and coconut oils, which are often used in baked goods you buy at the store.
Eating too much saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the chance of getting heart disease. Trans fats: These fats are found in stick margarine. Trans fats are also found in certain foods that you buy at the store or get in a restaurant, such as snack foods, cookies and cakes, and fried foods. When you see "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils on an ingredient list, the food contains trans fats.
Trans fats are also listed on the food label. Like saturated fats, trans fats can raise cholesterol and increase the chance of getting heart disease. Fat helps a kid's body grow like it should.
Fats fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins. They also are the building blocks of hormones and they insulate the body. So fat is not the enemy, but you'll want to choose the right amount — and the right kind — of fat.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats tend to be more liquid like canola oil. Fats can also have different effects on the cholesterol levels in your body. A diet high saturated fats and trans fats raise bad cholesterol LDL levels in your blood. Eating an overall healthy dietary pattern that is higher in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can lower bad cholesterol levels.
There are nine calories in every gram of fat, regardless of what type of fat it is. Fats are more energy-dense than carbohydrates and proteins , which provide four calories per gram. Consuming high levels of calories — regardless of the source — can lead to weight gain or being overweight. Consuming high levels of saturated or trans fats can also lead to heart disease and stroke. Health experts generally recommend replacing saturated fats and trans fats with monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats — while still maintaining a nutritionally-adequate diet.
Not necessarily. For example, even if they lack trans fats, baked goods may be high in added sugars and low in nutrients. Read the Nutrition Facts , if available, or the ingredient list to understand the big picture. Eating foods with fat is definitely part of a healthy diet. To choose healthier fats, use liquid non-tropical plant oils; low-fat or nonfat instead of full-fat dairy; and, if you eat meat, lean meat or poultry.
And remember to balance the amount of calories you eat from all foods with the amount of calories you use through physical activity. A healthy diet can include the foods you love.