Firefall where is tiki
So, why does it look like lava? Every year around the same time mid-late February , the sun sets in the perfect spot, illuminating what little water runs from the granite peak. Depending on the flow, wind and conditions, this display can be magnificent or less than memorable. Sometimes not at all. Firefall is completely dependent on the forecast. Typical viewing dates are between February 14th and February 27th. Start time is around PM and lasts for about 15 minutes. My opinion would be to go a day before or after the prime date stated above for a smaller crowd.
Weekdays also help with thinning out the people who are at work. I recommend bringing your chair, some food, warm clothes, blankets, and camera gear and being ready no later than 3 hours prior. This is an extremely popular event, so getting your spot secured early will make for a much more pleasant experience. In years past, you could watch Firefall from a multitude of places in Yosemite Valley.
In , I shot Firefall from Southside Drive. I also used my mm with the x2 adaptor, but unless you want very cropped shots, I would stick with the mm range.
Chances are, they waited a long time for that spot and deserve it. Foreigners, influencers, tourists and locals. Treat everyone with respect and know that your photo is not more important than theirs. Not everyone understands the etiquette of an event like this, so please be patient to your fellow photographers. For more information on Firefall , visit the National Parks Service website.
Was it worth it? My journey for this image was a lot shorter than others, and I can only attribute that to luck. As social media took off, the event only became more and more popular. Firefall occurs in February over the course of about 2 weeks every year. The setting sun lines up with the jutting granite that surrounds Horsetail Fall and sets the stage for what you see above.
Being the end of February, it is still very much winter time, so a clear sunset is not guaranteed. There must be enough snowfall during winter to create enough runoff for the waterfall to flow. As you can see, getting the perfect Firefall photo requires quite a bit of planning and a lot of luck. After looking over the forecast, Emily and I decided we would head to Yosemite on a Thursday and try to get to Yosemite in time to shoot Firefall that night.
After a small traffic jam, we flashed our National Park Pass and drove to a spot I had read about. It was supposed to be one of the best viewpoints to see the event. As we pulled up, we quickly realized all the parking spaces were full. Not the Yosemite experience I expected. We continued to the next pull out, and the next, and the next…until, finally, we found a place big enough to fit Rex the Van. We had spent a decent amount of time getting to this new parking spot, and we now had to get our gear, turn around and walk back the way we came through the frozen snow.
It took us a good 45 minutes to trudge back to the spot I had read about, but the views along the way were worth stopping for. Every one of them with a tripod and a lens long enough to capture the spectacle that was about to unfold. If you really want the full experience, you can sign up for a guided Firefall tour , too. The very best time to see the Firefall in is expected to be February 22nd, between pm and pm Pacific Standard Time.
Skip to main content Travel. The Firefall appears for just two weeks each year. Kastalia Medrano is Thrillist's Travel Writer. Log in. What's new. Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread.
Search titles only. Search Advanced search…. Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. Search Advanced…. New posts. Search forums. FireFall Community Memory Dump. Thread starter Terib. Shadow Start date Jul 27, Tags art firefall img memory nsr vid. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. First Prev 2 of 12 Go to page. Jul 27, This is clear sign people doesn't read at all the first post in a.
Likes: Faeryl. Papa Franku Member Aug 3, Jul 26, 44 29 Brezals said:. What did it matter if everyone else started sharing their memories aswell? Swizza Veteran Aug 3, Jul 26, 20 20 3. Does people here realize this was supposed to be my own personal thread where I was gonna post my own personal screenshots from FireFall and instead of that it was just hijacked for you all posting things not related with what this thread was supposed to be This is clear sign people doesn't read at all the first post in a thread and also doesn't give a cupcake about the feelings of other person.
At this point I'll ask a mod what to do, I could even consider closing and deleting this thread just to start again from scratch if at all