How does multiple intelligences affect learning

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Mathematical-Logical Intelligence: The ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and the capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns. Musical Intelligence: The ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timbre. Visual-Spatial Intelligence: The capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly. Interpersonal Intelligence: The capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others.

Intrapersonal Intelligence: The capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes.

Naturalist Intelligence: The ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature. Existential Intelligence: The sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why we die and how we got here. There are specific modes of multimedia and instruction techniques, which include the following: Visuals: Visual media help students acquire concrete concepts, such as object identification, spatial relationship or motor skills.

Printed words: While the printed word is the most common method of dispensing information, some argue that audio is superior. Sound: Sound media offer a stimulus for sound recognition or recall. Audio narration is a useful tool for students who struggle with reading. Motion: Motion depicts human performance so that learners can copy the movement.

This kinesthetic method can be essential for understanding some subject matter. Color: Choices on color display are required if it is essential to what is being learned such as, the sky is blue. Realia: Realia teaches cognitive and motor skills with objects. Realia can be used with individuals or groups, depending on the situation.

Realia may be used to present information realistically, or with the way learners internalize information. Instructional Setting: Design must include what materials are being used, as well as the environment in which it is to be taught.

Printed materials should be individualized to allow the learner to set the pace. Learner Characteristics: Teaching models must consider learner characteristics, as media may be interpreted in various ways by different learners. Research has not provided definitive methods in matching the media most suitable for types of learners.

Reading Ability: Pictures aid learning for poor readers who understand spoken words rather than printed words; good readers can control the pace, and print allows for easier review. Events of Instruction: Teachers have to choose the external events which support internal learning with events of instruction.

This occurs in the planning stage and before selection of appropriate media. Performance: It is important for students to perform tasks that demonstrate learning and retention. The elicited performances can be categorized by type: covert, overt, motor, verbal, constructed and select. Media should be selected to correspond with the desired outcome.

If a teacher is having difficulty reaching a student in the more traditional linguistic or logical ways of instruction, the theory of multiple intelligences suggests several other ways in which the material might be presented to facilitate effective learning: Words linguistic intelligence. Numbers or logic logical-mathematical intelligence. Pictures spatial intelligence.

Music musical intelligence. Self-reflection intrapersonal intelligence. A physical experience bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. A social experience interpersonal intelligence. An experience in the natural world naturalist intelligence.

Eve Herndon Eve Wixtrom B. Related Posts View All. Five Reasons It Could Be. Four Reasons It Could Be. Request Info Apply Today. Actor Tom Cruise is an existentialist for his interest in philosophy. Social people who are outgoing and can learn in groups or in partnerships belong to this group including motivational speaker Tony Robbins. The ability to comprehend numerical concepts and abstract theories by applying logic, reasoning, and the identification of correlations.

A perfect example would be tech guru and entrepreneur Bill Gates. Can draw out ideas and aesthetics from graphic concepts such as photos and visual art, and can easily spot abstract and accurate details.

Italian polymath Leonardo Da Vinci is considered as a visual-spatial genius. Pertaining more to individuals who have a more profound appreciation of biology and nature in general. One naturalist thinker is astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Of course, individuals can develop several bits of intelligence but most often, only one can be dominant to each.

This dominant intelligence serves as a gauge of some sort on how they perform things at work or interact with other people. Learning with the use of multimedia allows a student to nurture a deeper understanding of subjects, improve problem-solving capabilities, develop positive thinking, and explore a broader scope of learning. For the various specific modes of multimedia learning for multiple intelligences, these methods stand out as some of the most effective:.

By giving emphasis on design, environment and visual materials, educators can educate the child according to his interests and without much pressure. One advantage of using this technique is how an educator can present tangible information that can help the student develop knowledge much faster and easier.

Pre-school educators utilize color to differentiate visual objects and teach the students proper associations and definitions. Most educators often rely on visuals to give a more concrete presentation of their subject matters. Students find it easier to learn certain concepts through visual aids as they allow them to identify spatial correlations more effectively.

This technique is very ideal for students with musical intelligence although educators can also use sound as a memorization technique than can hone recall. These days, those who want to learn simply download audiobooks online to learn new things as it is less time-consuming and much more convenient.

This is arguably the most common of teaching tools to be utilized by educators as it can always present ready information and is designed for optimum comprehension. The use of printed words is certainly your textbook definition of an effective teaching method pun intended. This technique is the best method to use when teaching bodily-kinesthetic concepts.

Students can study and copy motion to develop their own motor skills or physical performance. When using multimedia to teach students, educators should carefully and meticulously select materials that are appropriate to the learning capacities of their class.

While there is yet a formal study on the specific types of multimedia for various learner categories, teachers should always consider that multimedia may have varied effects on different students. While individuals may have different capacities in reading skills, educators must likewise consider what reading tools can be easier for students to adapt.

These multiple intelligences range from the use of words, numbers, pictures and music, to the importance of social interactions, introspection, physical movement and being in tune with nature. How many intelligences does Gardner identify? How do you use intrapersonal intelligence in the classroom? Helping children with intrapersonal intelligence learn Help them understand how everything they learn is related to them.

Give them time to analyze what they did or what they learnt. Ask them to express their opinions and feelings about what they learnt. What are examples of multiple intelligences?

Logical-mathematical Intelligence. Musical-rhythmic Intelligence. Visual-spatial Intelligence. Bodily-kinesthaetic Intelligence. Naturalistic Intelligence. Interpersonal Intelligence social Intrapersonal Intelligence self knowledge. How many learning styles can a person have? The Seven Learning Styles Visual spatial :You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural auditory-musical : You prefer using sound and music.

Verbal linguistic : You prefer using words, both in speech and writing. Physical kinesthetic : You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.

What are the multiple learning styles?


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